Keep your eyes on this page for details of screenings and release information.

Monday 23 December 2013

2012: A Space Olyssey - The Reboot

After coming so close to completing my most recent film, it was abandoned. For many reasons it was put on the wobbly shelf of unfinished projects. But recently I have been digging it back up, sifting through my notes and watching the poorly shot segments of film, and have decided that it is worth bringing back to life. For this to happen it will now take a different form to that originally intended -  a periodic presentation of notes, clips, photos, quotes and links right here on this website, with the intention of eventually forming them into a book. Perhaps this is a futile attempt at mimicking the approach of Walter Benjamin and, like his work, my project will never come together in one place. Yet it seems a shame to let everything I've done disappear entirely without anyone ever seeing it, including myself. So here it goes - 2012: A Space Olyssey - The Reboot.